Power star Pawan Kalyan teamed up with Saidharam Tej for the remake of Tamil film "Vinodaya Sitham", in the direction of Samutrakani, who directed the original. Trivikram pennes the dialogues and wrote screenplay. Sai Tej is on a high after the success of Virupaksha and Pawan gave 2 hits with remakes - Vakeel Saab and Bheemla Nayak.
Story :- Markandeyulu/Mark (Sai Tej) leads life as a machine without having time for anything, family, love, colleagues etc., stating he doesn't have time. His responsibilities, his ambition are the things that drive him. All of a sudden, he meets with car accident and dies. Before going to heaven, he meets "Time God' (Pawan Kalyan). Mark requests to give him another chance to fulfill all his duties on earth. Time allows him 90 days to lead life again. What does Mark do in those 90 days? Was he able to survive the inevitable? Forms rest of the story.
Performances :- Sai Tej did an okay job. His acting in majority of the scenes looked artificial and unnatural. He did well in few emotional scenes. All the character artists had very minimal roles and they were fine, be it Ketika, Priya Warrier, Rohini, Vennela Kishore, Tanikella Bharani, etc., Bro is an out and out Pawan Kalyan movie. Not sure if it was a guest character in original, but here he is there for 90% of the film. Time character is funny, quirky, at the same time preaching. There are no limits for the characterization as it's Time God and director & writer used it to the maximum. PSPK was terrific in the nostalgic references of his old songs. He conveys the essence of life in lighter vein pretty well.
Technicians :- The basic plot of the story is pretty serious and important. If it's conveyed in serious tone, it would be complete preaching and nobody would turn up to theatres. If it's completely diluted and made completely as an commercial film, the basic essence of it's gone. Both these elements has to be blended perfectly to make it a good recipe. The writer and director have succeeded 50% in doing so. To satisfy the fans of PSPK, they covered old songs of his film every now and then. Gave divine look wherever wanted, some one liners here and there. However, they should have given some more time initially for the emotions between various characters with Tej are well established. Also, the struggles and ideology of Tej should have been well conveyed. Due to half cooked emotions here, we don't connect well with them in the fag end of the film. Dialogues were decent, if not good. Costumes of PSPK was very good. VFX are decent. Songs and background score was nice.
Positives :-
Pawan Kalyan
Old movie songs of PSPK
Crisp runtime
Negatives :-
Lack of emotional depth
Dilution of core plot
Summary :- Bro could have been great had there was more emotional depth. It ended up as a commercial version of Aa Naluguru, with an extended time of 90 days life.
Rating :- 2.5/5 (Feast for fans and average one time watch for normal audience)
There is no new thing in the movie except old songs, better to watch Vinodaya Sitham