Latest sensation and new star in tollywood Vijay Devarakonda's latest outing is "Taxiwala" under new director Rahul Sankrityan. This movie like all other VIjay's movies had its share of issues. Unedited and entire movie of 3.5 hrs movie got leaked, movie was in shooting and post production for almost 1.5 yrs. Since Vijay's last movie "NOTA" couldn't reach the expectations of audience, pressure is on him to prove his mettle and stardom.
Story -
Shiva comes to Hyderabad in search of job and tries his hand at multiple jobs but they doesn't seem viable. He comes to know that cab driver job has good returns and plans to buy a car. In his limited budget, he gets an old model car which he loves it at first look. He starts his job as a cab driver, gets a girl friend, gets well paid and everything seems fine. The car has a history which starts haunting Shiva. He tries to get rid of the car but couldn't due to unavoidable circumstances. What is the history of the car and how he resolves issues forms the rest of the story.
Performances -
Vijay as taxiwala was natural. His character had to emote fear, humour, frustration, sentiment and Vijay was good at all. His costumes, hairstyle, dialogues complement the cab driver character. Heroine Priyanka Jawalkar was there for namesake and she is okay. Couple had one song "Maate Vinadhuga" and its good. Madhunandan and Vihsnu Oi (Hollywood) provides some comic relief. Malavika Nair in the flashback episode was apt. Remaining character artistes performed to their potential. Shiju has limited scope in negative role and he did a decent job.
Technicians -
New director Rahul Sankrityan has chosen a novel concept of "Astral Projection" and linked it with a car and plotted a story around it. The premise, screenplay and writing is engaging and entertaining. Jakes Bejoy is music is average. Maate Vinadhuga song stands out and background score is decent. Remaining songs are montage and are not catchy. The colour and tone of the movie is fresh and cinematographer has done a commendable job. Production values are good and there are no unnecessary elements, characters.
Positives -
Vijay Devarakonda
Novel plot and taking
1st Half
Negatives -
Uneven pace in 2nd Half
Predictability towards climax
Analysis -
Horror-comedy is one genre which has yielded success to many film makers within limited budget. Taxiwala also falls into this category and gained brownie points in terms of box office success. Crisp editing, good & entertaining 1st half makes "Taxiwala" a joy ride despite its shortcomings here and there.
Vijay should be appreciated for trying different genres in such a short span and also getting succeeded. Rom-com in Pelli Chupulu, Geetha Govindham, Political drama in Nota, Alchol addicted aggressive doctor with a love failure in Arjun Reddy, Horror comedy with Taxiwala. His choices have been refreshing and innovative. Luck favours the brave so does the box-office.
Rating - 2.75/5 (Average Entertainer. One Time Watch)
Story -
Shiva comes to Hyderabad in search of job and tries his hand at multiple jobs but they doesn't seem viable. He comes to know that cab driver job has good returns and plans to buy a car. In his limited budget, he gets an old model car which he loves it at first look. He starts his job as a cab driver, gets a girl friend, gets well paid and everything seems fine. The car has a history which starts haunting Shiva. He tries to get rid of the car but couldn't due to unavoidable circumstances. What is the history of the car and how he resolves issues forms the rest of the story.
Performances -
Vijay as taxiwala was natural. His character had to emote fear, humour, frustration, sentiment and Vijay was good at all. His costumes, hairstyle, dialogues complement the cab driver character. Heroine Priyanka Jawalkar was there for namesake and she is okay. Couple had one song "Maate Vinadhuga" and its good. Madhunandan and Vihsnu Oi (Hollywood) provides some comic relief. Malavika Nair in the flashback episode was apt. Remaining character artistes performed to their potential. Shiju has limited scope in negative role and he did a decent job.
Technicians -
New director Rahul Sankrityan has chosen a novel concept of "Astral Projection" and linked it with a car and plotted a story around it. The premise, screenplay and writing is engaging and entertaining. Jakes Bejoy is music is average. Maate Vinadhuga song stands out and background score is decent. Remaining songs are montage and are not catchy. The colour and tone of the movie is fresh and cinematographer has done a commendable job. Production values are good and there are no unnecessary elements, characters.
Positives -
Vijay Devarakonda
Novel plot and taking
1st Half
Negatives -
Uneven pace in 2nd Half
Predictability towards climax
Analysis -
Horror-comedy is one genre which has yielded success to many film makers within limited budget. Taxiwala also falls into this category and gained brownie points in terms of box office success. Crisp editing, good & entertaining 1st half makes "Taxiwala" a joy ride despite its shortcomings here and there.
Vijay should be appreciated for trying different genres in such a short span and also getting succeeded. Rom-com in Pelli Chupulu, Geetha Govindham, Political drama in Nota, Alchol addicted aggressive doctor with a love failure in Arjun Reddy, Horror comedy with Taxiwala. His choices have been refreshing and innovative. Luck favours the brave so does the box-office.
Rating - 2.75/5 (Average Entertainer. One Time Watch)
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